Monday, February 22, 2010

H.W 40- School Interviews & Synthesis

Interview of Mom about School:

1.How was your experience of school in Ecuador?

School in Ecuador was very, very strict. I was a straight A student, mostly b/c if I wasn't I would sure hear about it from my mom and teachers. Back then teachers had ABSOLUTE power, you couldn't scream at them, give them attitude , like I see most students now do, if u did they would stand you in front of class , hands out and hit them with rules, it was very harsh.

2. Wow, did you feel intimidated?

At times yes, but coming from a small place where if I didn't go to school I would have to stay home and cook, clean etc. I was very excited about getting and education, and I was never a trouble maker, no one really was.

3. What about your social life?

If it wasn't for school I wouldn't have had a social life, my mom was very strict , she's didn't even let me go out with my friends I had to beg and beg and then maybe was allowed. But during school hours I had many many friends, over there its different, everyone knows you , everyone liked me I was the "sweet, pretty girl" who people voted for to participate in parades and I marched as a "bastonera" (sorta like a cheerleader over there). I loved my school life when it came to friends, I can say it was the most fun I had.

4. What do you think about how schools are now?

Its sad to see. Mostly b/c you see there lite kids act like they are tough and grown. They have no respect for their peers , teachers, or themselves. It scares me, your sister is in 7th grade and I don't want her to become one of those rude kids, she should he respect to the teachers but den again not let them step over here, there are boundaries and limits that go both ways.

Interview with older cousin:

1. How was your school experience?

Woww, honestly I was a bad ass. I'm not the type to take shyt from anyone and my high school yrs where like that. I used to fail many classes, I guess getting with the wrong crowd affected me, we used to cut and fight a lot, I transfered schools twice until I got my act straight and now I'm competly different.

2. Do you regret anything from school?

No because that whole long process helps you discover yourself. More than learning about history , science, etc. I learned about myself, my friends and life. I learned how to trust and not trust people, how to stay with friends, in a way you are a "grown " up in school, you look after yourself .

Interview of other cousin:

1. How was your experience of school?

I've always been lazy , but back when I went to SOF I was excited , my mom thought wow I got into a good school in the city, I had a bright future. I tried to do my best in school, I was in the basketball team and ended up in a good college. I made the best of my time in high school, I wanted it to be the most memorable , and it kinda was.

Interview of Friend:

1. How is your experience in school so far?

So far in school I've seen both the good and bad sides. I was a A student then almost failed now I'm in between , I had great friends, live the drama , got them back and went over it again a couple of times. It can bever be perfect I think, but it helps u grow.

2. In what way?

I guess you learn all that important stuff haha, but u also learn and see and realize things that you might not have otherwise . It teaches your how to be independent, atleast for 6 hrs a day. The way my school works if I slack off one bit I'm done, so I have to be on track , no one there to really help.

From the interviews I saw 3 different possible views/ sides of school. They differ such as my mom wit respect toward the "authorities" and my cousins "bad-ass" persona and her wanting to be in charge of everything. Its like a fight of dominance, but is the teacher always right and student always wrong?
I found interesting how in Ecuador teacher did always , and even to this day have all the power in school. Why is it that over there it is still like that? While here we can say kids take education for granted? Does it have to do with the lack of resources in places such as Ecuador? Or with just simply the structure, I will try to look into that soon.
Its also interesting how power even goes into school? Should school be about intimadation and power , does this help us at all? Or make things worse for us?

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