Friday, April 23, 2010

H.W 49

My class film was not finished, so i wil be discussing the film Class A put togeather. For my class film though i will say that i did not contribut much . The days of filming i was either late or absent , and the one day i was there, not much went on. Selected characters were acting and it seemed to take alot to make that part of the film as the director wanted it to end up. The film for my class was not supposed to be the typical teacher saves student situation, but on the other hand how the student saves the teacher. My class decided to make a situation in which the teacher is in a bad situation and the student comes in and helps them see through their ways. The ending was supposed to be one in which the student made an impact on someone they truly cared about, the teacher who was ultimatly going in the wrong path.

I guess a message we can get from the film my class was preparing is that not only teachers have the power to change someone, or something. We kind of always have this idea that teachers are these great people who are there to help us and show us the right way, we students are never on the right path, we need this guidance and help from the teachers, but thats not always true. Its true that usually when thinking of school we think of these wise teachers passing on the knowledge they have gained to these poor lost kids, but thats not always the case. Students can teach the teacher so much more aswell. Students can also have the power to help a teacher, be their savior. The tone went from a bad to a good one, we see the teacher at his low, only to end up being helped and get to be the good person they know he can be.

Our film wanted to switch the roles of the teacher and student, following with that after seeing the film class A put togeather you can see the different idea they wanted to show us. Pretty much that not in every case a teacher will be our savior , that in many cases there is just no hope and the teacher will give up. We can also say that the wanted to show just how much what we are being taught really matters. We see the student question what the teacher is saying and at the end we see the teacher lash out on them, calling them out for what they ¨truly are.¨

With that being said we automatically see the contradictions from their class film and the films we have seen in class. The films in class show how patient the teacher is, how not even their personal lives can stop them from helping these (once again) poor unfortunate kids. They are so determined to help them out that they will stop at nothing. While in the film we see that the teacher at the beggining seems to try to enjoy his class but at the end just cant take it anymore and gives up . In this class film the teacher isnt being taken serious, he isnt inspiring anyone, he isnt changing or helping anyone, hes just there. We see at the end that even him lashing out on the students isnt important, they go on to what they were doing previosly.

Salvation and education just seem to go hand in hand. Teachers are teachers to change kids, to open doors, to be able to feel like they are making some sort of difference in the crazy society we live in. We support teachers, we always say that in order to be a teacher you must love that job, you must enjoy it and wake up and be hapy to go out and do it, kind off like we see in the films in class.

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