Sunday, October 25, 2009

Feed A-H.W # 12 (Draft 1)

    Feed, it pretty much shows us how we live our lives now just with a clever touch, one that may not be so obvious to others , or that some people just wont get until they are told. Knowing that Feed is just mocking us can makes us get a bit angry. Who likes to be told the truth of the way we do things right in our face ,right? The truth is though, we need to be shown the flaws of our ways inorder to become better, in this case become...smarter maybe?

  While reading Feed we are told our lives are meaningless, that we depend on technology sooooo much to a point that we dont function without it, we cant even fight it. At the same time though we see these ideas of things that seem so unrealistic for us. Things that seem impossible for us to do now, such as going to the moon. At first someone may think how this even realates to us? or that this is something that will happen in the near future, when truth is this is our lives now.

  I believe that in many aspects Feed is right on about our digital lives. Were so drawn into these technological things that we forget or not even notice our surroundings, they become part of the background. We are no longer experiencing things through our own bodies, such as in video games. We arent doing anything imporant just sitting there pressing buttons that make the person in the screen do all these awesome moves and do things that will help/ change the world, while were doing nothing for this cause. The lesions in feed are sort off like this, they are eating away at whats left of there human bodies, of what they feel and can do on their own. When it comes to us not having all these things we turn into beings that cant function, we feel out of place, lost, bored. Kinda like in feed once they are hacked. 

  Im sure that when it comes to the tragic level of feed most teens lives either wont get to that point, or they wont even care or notice about it. Most teens arent bothered by the fact that technology is making us dumb, they dont see it as a problem , more like a solution to things. Teens , kinda like Titus, arent noticing the things around them , they do what other teens are doing , even though they are not enjoying themselves or see the point in any of it. We believe we are living "brag" lives beacuse these are the lifestyles society is showing us, but we wont truly enjoy ourselves until we figure out what makes us happy, whether most of us will ever reach this? im not so sure.

1 comment:

  1. To Carol,
    I really appreciated reading your posts from 10-14. They seem very well written and i can understand where your coming from. Also seems like you really payed attention to the little details of the book feed and not just reading it. So that took my attention and also how you admitted that we are dumb because of how addiction is taking over our lives.

    It's really cool that you mentioned about how teens don't want to realize that technology is making them dumb because it really connects to how we are portrayed to the world. We don't want to believe that technology is bad because we believe in it to much to satisfy our lives that we are not willing to let it go.

    Your main arguments really connect to what i've seen in this world because my sister who is 12 right now has been addicted to technology like never before. She is constantly on it thinking that it's so important rather than doing her hw or putting something away that she left for days. It has brainwashed her that i can't even get her to get up and do something active rather than making her eyes suffer. It's an addiction but in our eyes, it's pleasure and fulfills everything we have ever asked for.

    I think you should show more of your knowledge about the world and really connect it to your own life so we see that you understand what's really going on.

    Your post really makes me consider to look back at the self experiment and realize that we are like robots. We don't consider doing anything else except stay home and be lazy and let the technology do ALL the work.

    I really enjoyed your work and I hope to see how you improved later on when i look at your posts again.
