Monday, October 12, 2009

H.W # 11-Self Experiment

So for my self experiment I knew that doubling my digital time wouldn't be the best idea for me, so I decided on doing it less. I decided to start of small, with my phone and possibly ipod ( I didn't want to cut myself off from the digital world completly) My initial thought was that this wouldn't be so difficult. I don't have a working computer at home, but my phone has internet so I spend most of my time on it. With this is mind I remembered how I would get bored of being on the internet and aim on my phone easily, so I thought maybe I can cut that off completly at a time in which I spend on it the most. This is usually from 5- 10 or later depending on when I fall asleep. My small digital fast didn't really work out.

I was planning to try to not listen to my ipod on the train. I has a book so I thought reading it would be good enough. When I got into the 6 train I sat down and opened up my book. Usually when I read my book I have my ipod plugged in and time feels as though it was flying by, this wasn't the case. I really wasn't very interested on the book so I just put it away. I felt really ackward. I didn't know where to look and I felt as though I didn't have a choice but to stare at people. I couldn't even really think because the 6 train got really loud and crowded so I decided to put my ipod on.
Once I got home I tried not to use my phone. I placed it on my kitchen counter and helped my mom out a bit. It was actually refreshing. I realised that I enjoyed helping my mom cook, which I don't usually do because while she does that I'm laying on the couch texting, and I actually listened to her more through out dinner. Once that was done I helped clean up and decided to watch t.v , here it got alittle more difficult. I found myself wanting to text people the most random and stupid things such as " I just saw this and that on this show" or " omg did you just see what so and so did in blah blah blah" . I have never realised that some things I text people or people text me are the most pointless things, but at the time they have great importance.

One thing I do wonder was how different this experiment would have been if I was faced with a different situation. What if I was outside or at a more social event and I didn't have my phone or ipod? Would my feeling be different? Would I be able to deal? Many times my phone is a life savour for many awkward situations, so what would happen if I didn't happen. Maybe that will be my next experiment and ill be able to compare the outcome.

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