Sunday, January 24, 2010

Draft (more will be up)

What do we strive for in life? Though many of us say stuff such as "happiness" and "good fortune" what we really want is ACCEPTANCE. We are constantly in the look out for the acceptance of those around us, and how do we try and gain this? By trying to be "cool" ofcourse!!


"Cool" is many things, but most importantly its our way to try to feel, be and act like something we definately are not. What we don't realize is that we NEED this idea of cool in our lives because without it we would just be plain lost.

Think about it? What is cool? Its this mask we put on and try so hard not to take off. When it comes to what people think cool is though, we more often then not get " being original" and "confidence" aswell as "being yourself." Are these things the real definitions of cool? They might be. Cool is what we want it to be, what we grew up seeing as cool, like a story told and told through out years. As said in class cool can be based on our "cultural maps" these maps reflect where we grew up, who we grew up with hence making our ideas of cool different right? Truth is overall no matter where you grew up, what you believe in etc cool is a performance that looks real, but is not. Its the idea that we can look so calm, chill, as though we have no worries in any situation.

This cool lifestyle is much more than seeming cool, its a way of life for each and everyone of us. We are raised with this idea of what to be like and how to act, but is this good for us?

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