Friday, September 11, 2009

Hw 3- 1st Blog Post

One thing we can all agree on is that the digital world has become pretty much the center of everything we do. We rely on it to do many things that in the past could have been either more difficult, easier, or maybe even the same. Nowadays everything is digital. We meet new people in websites such as, Facebook, Myspace and an endless list of more, with these we can also keep up with the people we already know. AIM, Yahoo Messenger, MSN, all helps us do these things as well, not only with people here, but even with people from other countries.

In a way all these new applications are very helpful to us right? But we fail to see some of the negative points to it. We are pretty much addicted to this digital lifestyle, even if we don't realize it, and what is this doing to us? Making us think that we have all the power and control of things with one simple click of a button. Making us believe that as a student of our class had said ,the world revolves around us. I've noticed that before this year i used to be on AIM and text messaging constantly. If i was bored i would lay down in my couch and just pop open my sidekick, there would be everything i needed. Now i find my self being on Aim less, I still text a lot for stupid things and what not, but i did notice that AIM can become tyring after a while. There is really no point in it, just keeping in touch with people which u can do in text. So what's the point?

It seems as though all these applications are a better version, faster version and what not of the same thing, so why do we always want it? I wonder what will happen if we stopped making the newest,better version of something? What if one day were just stuck with what we have or were forced to go back to the way people did things without all the digital need before. Would our generation in particular be able to get through it? Because as i said its a huge part of our lives, and we really aren't used to not having all these things.

1 comment:

  1. Good job on your first post about our digital world. I thought you did a great job explaining how our digital world has taken over our lives and how much we rely on these technologies.

    I really like how you discuss the negative points to the digital stuff in this world and how addicted we are to it. Also how you connect back to yourself and how you thought more deeply about how would our generation would live without technology. Good question.

    I connect your arguments to myself because i can't really see myself living without my phone or ipod or anything else that has to do with electronics. It's just that I'm so use to using it, it's just became a habit.

    I think you should expand your thoughts about how the way people would react to the fact that there would be no technology anymore and what would happen to the world if technology just keeps progressing as it is.

    Your post make me consider not using so much of my stuff and just go out more and relax without thinking about anything digital.

    I enjoyed reading your post and I'm looking forward to reading more as you develop along the year.
