Saturday, May 8, 2010

H.W 53-Survey Analysis

Yes, i took the survey.

Taking the survey was very easy for me. I found myself being completely honest with the answers i was giving , thinking about the way i would reply to each question was easy as well. While takin gthe survery, such as the family part, i found myself feeling lucky to be able to answer many of the questions with positive answers, such as you feel comfertable talking to your family about personal issues, you talk to an adult for more than 5 minutes, your family cares alot about how u feel etc. When it comes to my family i am completly thankful for them. My family is a huge group of people that care for each other, love each other and will do anything for each other. I have a close bond with many people in my family, such as my mom, sister and cousin. My mom , i know i have talked about her on here before, but she is the one person i know will always be there for me. The relationship my mom and i have is different from most, ,many people dont trust their parents, lie to them etc, thats not the case. I have 100 percent trust in my mom i tell her everything, i dont lie to her, shes like a bestfriends. Many kids arent lucky enought to have that. The same goes for the questions on friendships , they were easy to answer and by my answers i know i am lucky to be surrounded by the people i call my friends, they truyky know me , undertsand me and i know we will be friends for a lonngggg time. ¨

Over all the results were not shocking. I was honestly expecting something sort of like seeing that people really arent what they put off. One of the results that did stick out to me was that one of ¨you worry what others think of you¨ in which the percentage from yes to maybe was very small. Its interesting because many people say they dont care what people think of them, they are simply themselves, YET as we see in many of the results many students said that they confrom but want to be special, that they do stupid things in order to be accepted by some , and that they worry about what people think of them. It sorta does not make sence, even when it comes to friends people will mold themselves into being someone that other people will like , when they should be someone that they would like to be , or enjoy being. Also the percentage of ¨your tired of the people in school¨made me wonder about how true the friendships are. Its funny because i remember someone in our class claiming that everyone in the grade got along very well, as well as that they all accepted each other and were friends, the results how otherwise. 29 % said were tired of the people in school, so i guess this grade wide ¨freindship¨isnt as tru as people say it is, or try to fake it is.

It seems like when answering the questions of getting drunk and such and molding each other to be accepted shows us that people dont really have an idea of who they are. Im soo lost when it comes to people showing off the negative side of themselves. Why would i want someone to see me as sloppy and such.

The survery i looked at stated that 23.8% of students drunk alcohol before the age of 13 for the first time. It relates to our school survery because many people have said they had gotten drunk, In the case of the survery i dont undertsand why before the age of 13 kids have had more than a few sips of alcohol. Its just setting people up for a life in which partying and getting drunk, ultimatly lookin sloopy is accepted. I know drinking can be fun, but is it really fun to drink soo much that u pass out and cant relemeber a thing, is it fun to wake up with a nagover, and it is fun to be known as the one who needs to have a drink. I dont think so, i think people, teens especially, should have a better idea of how much alcohol they can take, and should take, because i know telling kids to stop drinking will just be impossible.

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