Monday, May 17, 2010

H.W 56-Interviews and Survey Question

Part One -

Question 1- Do you believe that others expect a lot from you? If so, who does the most?

Question 2- What effects do these expectations have on you?

Question 3- Do you in return expect much from others?

Question 4- Where do you believe these expectations come from?

Question 5- Do you expect more from strangers or those close to you?

Part Two-

First Interview-

Q1 Answer: Know? not really Im older, i have expectations for my self. At your age , yes. My family expected Alot from me , more than anyone, i guess they knew my potential, they wanted me to show it when i really wans't.

Q2 Answer: The expectations from my family caused me to really question myself , and question what i wanted in the long run, it made me realize i couldnt just live for the now, as fun as it was, i needed to think about the future as well.

Q3 Answer: Its funny because when things are being expected from you , we usually dont like it, but truth is we expect from everyone, though we dont realize.

Q4 Answer: Im not really sure where it came from exactly, but i can say that its from everything round us. With just our everyday life we expect alot, so why not expect so much more from those around us?

Q5 Answer: Those close to me, its weird because sometimes we know someon so well, yet expect something we know they will never do .

Second Interview-

Q1 Answer: I think everyone expects alot from anyone , let it be my family,friends, co- workers ,or teachers. They are different expectations, but expectations non least.

Q2 Answer: Expectations can have either negative or positive effects. It just depends, such as in school, i was always expected to do good work, and it did, it helped me grow and keep myself at the pace i needed to be at.

Q3 Answer: Im not sure i expect alot from others due to being expected on from others. Im sure expectations are just a natural part of us, to make us feel ,hmm im not sure i want to say complete but it doesnt really make sence haha.

Q4 Answer: The expectations def come from what we see around us. T.v shows, ads, movies, our own ideas of how things should be.

Q5 Answer: I would say i expect more from those i dont know , because i just simply dont know what they will be capable or able to do for me or others depending on the kinds of relationship.

Third Interview-
Q1 Answer: I actually think that know that i am older people expect alot more from me, i have more responsibilities , so that to me means expectations grow. I would say that the person who has always and will always have the most expectations towards me is my mom, for sure.

Q2 Answer: I dont know, it has mostly been positive though , it has showed me what im capable of, im not sure if all expectations have lead to that, i must admit i have let some down.

Q3 Answer: I belive we expect from everyone because its just how things are, its weird but expectations are a way for us to shape or try to shape people into what we want them to be.

Q4 Answer: Like i aid before but adding on, i believe expectations come from what we want from others, the ways we want them to be.

Q5 Answer: im not sure, i would say i expect more from those i love, because i know them i want to make them happy, so in return i want them to do anything to make me happy, sometimes even if it means shaping into someone i want, messed up huh?

Part Three-

Based on the interviews i got this idea that expectations are these "dreams" one can say of what we want from others. On a bigger scale we can say that expectations are our ideas of the perfect person. Lets say we are in a relationship, we have this idea of a perfect man , we then turn this idea into an expectation of this "perfect man" being the complete gentelman, opening our doors etc. Its very unrealistic in situations such as these. From the interviews i also got this idea that whether it be people you just met or people you love expectations will arise. They might be major for those we know, and less for those we dont, we might expect dissapointment from one more than the other as well.

Part Four-

Survery Question :
Do you believe expectations lead to disapointment?

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