Monday, May 24, 2010

H.W 58- Parenting 102

Unfortunatly i was not present for the guest speaker, so im not able to add quotes from that, but i will do my best with the interview i conducted of my mom.

Well i interviewed my mom, and im not gonna add it all on here but i will talk about the important things i got from it. First off she talked to me alot about her childhood, not the easiest. Coming from a family in Ecuador, where everyone knows everyone and her parents were respected, there was not much she could have done. Having 9 brothers and sister, and prefrences over the boys caused a gender role division, in which the women in the household, no matter the age, had to cook clean and keep their grades up. I wont go into details about her childhood but i do want to tie it back to what people say about childhoods and parenting.

My mom though in her childhood experienced this, has never been one to ¨teach us lessons¨ by rasing her hand. She believed this was not the way to go, that problems would just rise due to it. She was the kind of mom that would sit us down, talk to us and explain the situation, what we did wrong ,why she didnt like it and many times the flaw she could have possibly done to contribute. By doing so she allowed us to open our eyes to the bad things we did and change them so in the future we could be in a way, better.

She was never one to make us learn, instead she helped us grow, which i believe is great. She never put stress on us at a young age, though of course as we got older we were taught just how important grades and learning are. One thing i belive most parents should do is allow a child to grow and develop in the wayt hey are meant to. Allow them to be themselves and learn by themselves , not by playing a dvd that will help them be advanced.

Parenting seems so hard, but why should it be? its a s though now we parent ourselves. We are taught and teach ourselves what is wrong and right, we have many many ideas of the way one should act so why would it be hard to pass these things along to someone we love, such as our kids.

I will agree that one way of parenting is not the exact way to go, but do parents ever fail? Did my grandmother being so harsh on her kids fail? i dont think so. My mom didnt turn out that way , my mom is the complete opposite , so why do we sometimes blame childhoods for things adults do? Can we honestly say that a parent of a killer was the one who did wrong? What if the parent did its best to be the best parent for this person?

When thinking about it parenting can be sort of controversial. One person can see a parenting skill as wrong, while another seees it as completly fine and the way to go. At this time the idea of parenting becomes so complex, and the stress of it grows. We are teaching and building up our future, the kids who will become someone in the future, corny but true. We come to this idea that we MUST be the best parents, we must be the perfect parents, when that doesnt even exist. So what do we do, i cant talk for everyone but im very confident in the way i will parent my kids, i know that the way i will choose to do so will be a way that will make me proud and make me see the effort i will put in it.

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