Monday, May 10, 2010

H.W 54

ISFJ - "Conservator". Desires to be of service and to minister to individual needs - very loyal. 13.8% of total population.

Introverted (I) 68.42% Extroverted (E) 31.58%
Sensing (S) 70.37% Intuitive (N) 29.63%
Feeling (F) 69.44% Thinking (T) 30.56%
Judging (J) 51.52% Perceiving (P) 48.48%
*Funny thing Ellen actually guessed these results for me , claiming this one fit me, she was right lol*

So i actually took the test twice. The first time it just didnt feel right, maybe it had to do with the fact that i would read the question then discuss with the people around me about why or how i chose what i did, the second time around i actually focused on what i was answering and what i was putting down, this kinda made me realize sum mitakes i made taking it the first time.
With that being said, the second time i took it i felt the results were pretty much accurate. It pretty much said that ISFJ were quiet, loyal ,friendly, responsible, considerate with how others feel, accurate ect. I guess, since Ellen guessed right , this does fit me perfectly. I find it funny though that all the percentages my results showed were very high except for judging which was fairly close. I like the fact that my feeling side beats my thinking side. Its funny because Ellen and i always laugh about how ¨soft¨we are, as she said in her blog , we cry during movies, i watch tru stories and see people cry and i cant help but tear up , and thought that is kinda corny, i like the fact that im sensitive. It helps me understand people , and put myself in their shoes beacuse as it says in my results, i always like to make sure those around me that i care for are happy. Its one thing about me thatmy mom always tells me to be stronger about. Im the type of person that if we have a issue , i will do anything in my power to make u feel better, to make you happy, even if in occasions im not. When i was younger i would do this alot, but as time went on i learned that i actually need to put myself first, if i dont no one will, and then people will just take advantage of me.
When it comes to being introverted, im not the kind of person that lets say will be drained after talking to someone for hours, but i am the kind of person that enjoys being alone. Its refreshing to just be alone and think about things that are going on , it helps me realize not only what i did wrong, but clear out my mind and just relax. Alone time, is me time, and honestly with a schedule such as the one we have been having in school , sometimes i need it more than other times, when im done though i feel better, especially if i took the time to fix a problem.
My sensing percentage i feel was on point. i follow what i feel and as weird as it sounds , if something feels right to me, i know its what i should do, im almost never wrong. I follow what my heart tells me to do, i follow what i feel ius right . The one thing that did sorta disapointment was the judging and percieving. I have never thought of myself as judging , but since the percentage was so close i guess i am sorta both. If someone does something i guess i do sorta criticize them but i think it has to do with how people around me are , like my aunts lol. They live for ¨bochinche¨ for criticizing people but in a friendly way, to make each other laugh. With that being said, my mom raised with this idea that doing the right thing , is simply right.
I looked at Ellens results, since we are close friends, and i pretty much agree with her aboit her thoughts on her results. They seemed to define Ellen , minus sum extreme parts. The same goes for Moes results, they were very accurate. This shows us that we can say the test is reliable. It pretty much does tell you where you fit on these different categories and where your percentage stands. Also i guess the test can be useful to maybe see the key pasrts of yourself. To understand who you are maybe?

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