Friday, November 6, 2009

Big Paper Draft


   When it comes to our lives and what we want/ need almost everyone will say "I WANT to be happy." We base our daily lives and our daily routine on things that we believe will genuinely make us happier.  But we never think deeper into where we all got this "genuine idea." Have you ever realized that the ideas that we think are unique, aren't really? How many people want to be happy? how many people really believe happiness is what we need? the answer is sooo many, and though I do believe happiness is what we want/ need and will really make us better, I also believe that TRUE happiness is what we should be looking for. So where do we get this idea of what happiness is? Technology, and Digitalization are brainwashing us into becoming beings that THEY see as "happy." 

     We honestly don't know any other form of happiness other than what we are told, and even though most of us will deny it, that is usually how everything in our lives works. We are told something, it is proved and we automatically believe it. Why doubt it huh? Why question it when its soo much easier to just follow it? We believe that if we think someone knows more than us or proves themselves to us we need to follow them. We look up to people with power, they seem better to us, almost as though they know more. “Power is everything in life” thats something I’ve heard people say so many times, so could this be the reason why technology has had such a big effect on us throughout time? I believe so.


    The truth is that the digital world IS very powerful, one can say its power shines over others. It has become the center of pretty much everything we do, we rely on it to do many everyday things. Nowadays everything is digital. We meet new people in websites such as, Facebook, Myspace and an endless list of more, with these we can also keep up with the people we already know. AIM, Yahoo Messenger, MSN, all help us do these things as well, not only with people here, but even with people from other countries. Its power expands from more than just us here, but everywhere around the world. With power like that how easy can it be to transmit a message, make it popular, and make everyone believe it with out them thinking, realizing, KNOWING that  what you are doing isn’t good for them? How is easy is it to manipulate everyone by having them just click a button on a device? Because that is what they are doing to us, MANIPULATING us into believing EVERY THING they say.      

    On a day to day basis we are surrounded by more than one kind of digital device. We are so used to having these devices that without them we feel different, maybe even empty. It sounds drastic but that is just what our society has come to. For a school assignment we had to interview strangers about their digital lifestyle. During the interview of a stranger these were some my results:


   Me: How many hours would u say you spend on things such as your phone,ipod, internet, t.v?

   Stranger #1: A lot of time! Its my whole life in this one simple device, it can't get better than that.

   Me: Really? So you don't see any harm in it? You don't think ppl are too addicted?

  Stranger #1: Hmm , there might be some harm and ppl might be addicted but honestly I dnt see myself without all this technology. Where would we be?

  Me: Ok, so on that note, do you think well ever go back to how it was before?

  Stranger #1: I hope we don't haha, its too useful. 


The answers the stranger had given me weren’t much different from what I saw other people had gotten. It just goes to show us so much we rely on the digital world. 

*( This is only a draft im planing on talking about what happiness is shown by the digital, what thi skind of happiness can do to us not only now but in the future, as well as what TRUE happiness is/can be/should be and if we will ever get to that point, will things get better, worse? can they even change?)*

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