Monday, November 2, 2009

H.w 16- Big Paper Outline #1


We are being brainwashed by the digital world into becoming beings that they portray has "happy."
Argument Brainstorm;

Argument #1-

* What does society believe is happiness?
Having the new, best most expensive thing. Showing off to others as well as having more than does around you. This makes you superior than them. The more you spend the better you are.
Easy, and Fast is better. You can know or even have everything you've ever wanted with the click of a button. No hard work is needed when it comes to knowing.

Argument #2-

*Wall E:
In the movie we see what technology can possibly/ or has already made of us. These are fat, lazy beings who don't even realize what is going on around them.
The scene where Wall -E pushes off the woman's screen and she "sees everything for the first time" shows us this. Before that she was sooo engrossed into her little screen, button clicking, object appearing world that whatever went on around her was just a blur.

*Related back to us?
We have everything in this little square screen, we are all at fault (I'm doing this assignment on my phone -_-) With an object such as a cellphone we can control more than just our phone calls. We can do so much, when this happens we don't even realize what goes on anywhere other than the screen. We are pulled in by these imaginary screen hands and they hold our attention in place until something finally breaks that off.

Argument #3-

In the book Feed we see that these teens go to the moon to have fun , to live "brag" lives. When they get there they want to show off where they have been. Each of them requests a place to have fun, and even though they go along with the idea we see that Titus is not happy. He's bored, he thinks its stupid, yet he doesn't complain , he stays there with his friends and doesn't say a word about the way he truly is feeling.


  1. You have a great thesis. The fact that you mentioned how the stuff we have "digital" makes us "happy." It makes me really think how we really are brainwashed and that's good because you need to make the reader think about your thesis and arguments.

    I thought your arguments was well said and well put for your thesis. You should talk more about feed and its problems that is occurring in that book. Overall, I think you did a great job.

  2. Carol,
    I like how you relate our use of digital gadgets to our happiness. You provide a specific definition for what happiness means or is portrayed as in our culture, which is good. However, what do you think happiness should be? You seem to not believe that digital media can make one truly happy, so what would you argue does and why? Maybe you can talk about what you perceive to be the difference between these two states of happiness (if there is one as you argue). Adding that in will make your paper stronger.

    Your use of evidence is great though-I think you will have a lot to work with here.

    As your ideas develop further, I'm sure your paper will be really good :)
