Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cool IS many things. I don't think we can just say cool is a specific thing or idea, we can't just be like if cool is red, then yellow , blue and green are uncool. There's no specific cool, its different ideas, thoughts,feelings, style, likes, dislikes, but then again one thing I think "cool" def is, is confidence, but what I do believe is that we do know when something is cool. For example if you see someone walking down the street with bird feathers on there head and a bird suit you know that's not cool. Its something like a "cool-radar" sure I guess for everyone its different but most times I do believe people all agree in a certain thing being cool or uncool. What I'm trying to say is that cool can't be put into a specific section, you can't say listening to hip -hop is the only cool thing because ppl listen to rock, country, r&b and all believe its the "cool" thing.

I guess when it comes to how people see "cool" it is being known, looking good, having a massive amount of (sometimes unneeded) friends, being loud, and being "bad." I think these ideas are the ones that society view as "cool" ( though I don't agree with them.) These ideas I believe are the negative of "cool". Why can't "cool" be having a friend you can trust everything with, and keeping things to ourselves but at the same time being confident? When it comes to "cool" most of us forget that there are other ppl who like different things and believe they are "cool."

Am I cool? If we follow what society thinks cool is, no. I'm not loud, my group of friends is small , and I'm overall shy, but I love my "uncool" lifestyle, its how I want to live it and its what makes me happy, I guess thats cool? Sorta lol. Overall honestly I could care less if people think I'm cool or not, just because its kinda pointless to try and make yourself into what others think Is right and "cool." We shouldn't mold each other in pieces that "work" with what others want. Ok , so i know i dont wanna be made fun of everyday and deep down i want to be accepted BUT just because this may be treu i choose my friends who are like me, who understand me, and like me for me. I know who thinks they are "cooler:" than others and just want to bring people down, so i don't want to associate with them. Cool shouldn't be about who's better, it should be about accepting everyone's uniqueness and embracing it.

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