Saturday, December 19, 2009

H.w #30- Psychological and Philosophical Theorizing of Cool

*I'm still thinking about this, so ill post more up soon*

   What is emptiness?
   Feeling empty is what seems to be the worst feeling. Sometimes we dont know why its there, whats causing it, but we feel it. Emptiness is confusing, you try once and once again to know and try to understand it, but you cant. I guess we can say its a hole (it describes it perfectly) that needs to be filled, but its definetly not like a stomach that just accepts whatever, it TRIES to accept whatever, but at the end you still feel it. To me its a lock with one key, that you try over time to open with a set of keys that are just too big or too small, you try to fill it in with what you think its missing, but you cant. Emptiness is like feeling that noone, absolutly noone is there. Do you ever go home and noones there? your soo used to all the noise of your family, but its just silence, i guess thats loneliness, so emptiness and loneliness are very much alike. One can say they might even be the same, but lonesliness passes,people eventually come home and the noise is back, but does emptiness? Are we always carrying this and just learn to eventually forget about it since we are so wrapped up into our worlds?
   Sometimes we dont face the problem, we make that quick turn back and just avoid it. I think we are scared of going deeper into emptiness. I hate feeling sad, its horrible, and i could say for myself that if i were to look really deep into what this empty feeling is i would be terrified about what i could find out or really saw. Its like we close the curtains to the sun beaming in on our windows. What will realizing what this emptiness truly is lead us to? Will we be able to fix it and never feel it again, i dont know, but i do think this empty feeling will always be there, wheter is be for the smallest thing or the biggest, we cant escape it. 

    When thinking about this empty "hole" i dont know i described it as a lock with one key but Im not sure if what can fill it is one specific thing, i don't think its many holes that must be filled for different aspects of our lives, it might be one that has its specific fit, like a puzzle, but then it might not be. 
   It gets tricky, what if someone grew up with no dad or mom, they live their lives knowing that that hole is there due to the lack of a parent , are they right though? or is there more to it? if their right , how come someone who has everything they need to be happy, feel that emptiness as well? Like i said , everyone probably has this empty feeling, realize it or not, but while writing this Im realizing that there is much more to it that i dont know about.

Friday, December 18, 2009

H.w #29- Merchants of Cool

* I had trouble actually watching the video, so im sryy its very late* 

     So while watching the "Merchants of Cool" video, I thought "we all kind off know this was/is happening." Not only are they making us want to buy the newest, latest fashion, but they sell an image of the way we should be. What I found interesting though was the idea of all these groups of teens being interviewed in order for companies to find out what was "cool" so far, when that information is found they do all they can to bring out this idea of "cool" and make people believe it, twhat there doing is "killing cool" thisreally struck me. There killing cool and making it so that a new idea of cool has to come out, changing it constantly so that nothing is truly cool, or can be cool for much. 

    Its hard to point fingers and say "your wrong! what your doing is sooo wrong!!" when it comes to situations such as though talked about like Britney Spears. Yes its an image that i dont agree with at all, no teen girls should be taught to be "sexy" and dress a way that will make them liked by guys. Why must girls feel like the HAVE to be that girl guys want to sleep with, that girl who looks good and everyone knows it? it doesnt make sence at all. But whos to blame? sure we can say "its all the corporate culture, everyone behind ppl such as Britney Spears" but is it? I mean teen girls are just as wrong for actually following this trend, sure there "lost" they dont even know who they are yet, but shouldnt they be smarter and say "woah, i honestly dont want that to be the image i want to portray." I dont believe what was done to Britney can be said "oo thats wrong" im pretty sure she was fine with doing what she did in order for her to seem more appealing , to get more attention but there should be a line that shouldn't be crossed (though i doubt this line will EVER be put ) it should be a line where celebrities are who ever they want to portray and customers should be who they want to. (seems kind off impossible tho)
    Should advertising to teens stop? i honestly dont know, we have been soooo used to having all these different types of advertisements that without them, as sad as it is, we will all def be lost, we would be like wandering souls with no idea where to go and whatto do, even what to be like, what to talk about. Advertising will NEVER stop. Its money, something everyone wants, the reason all of this is happening, it just cannot be stopped. 

    What they do is target our "lost-ness" our thoughts off " idk what to do" and tell us this is what you HAVE to be/do, is that evil? in certain parts i believe so, but i honestly dont know where i am at this. I cant say its soo wrong, because then I go watch MTv and follow on the newest show, and I try to look nice everyday (though not to the extreme of some) i would just be lying saying i dont fall for some of these things aswell. Wheter this will ever change ? We all know it wont and we will all have to keep following it. 

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Street Interviews

3 Interviews of strangers-

Stranger 1-
* This lady was standing waiting in line for food just like I was, she looked nice so I just went straight for it....*

Me- Excuse me, I was wondering would you say your cool?
Stranger- Oh, I'm not sure actually.
Me- So then what would you say is cool?
Stranger- I guess cool is being yourself, not trying to blend yourself into what people want from you.
Me- Do you achieve that?
Stranger- Not always, with the people I COMPLETELY trust I do, with others not always.
Me- So with strangers do you feel like you have to put up a wall almost ?
Stranger- Exactly
Me- Do you mind me asking? But why do you think that is?
Stranger- So they can like me, because in the end we all want approval.
Me- Ok thank you for your time.
Stranger- Np 

Stranger 2- 
*waiting for the train*

Me- Excuse me, who's the coolest person you know?
Stranger- Definitely my best friend,
Me- And what exactly makes then the coolest person you know?
Stranger-  That she's soo fun, easy-going, her style is not original but its her, she makes it work,
Me- Would you say that your cool?
Stranger- I have. Of those qualities, but not all, I can be cool at times, everyone has there ups and downs of cool.
Me- Ok that's all, thank you
Stranger- Welcome

Interview of Friend-

Me- So, what's behind being cool?
Stranger- Being cool is not meant to be about the physical, it should be whats inside, your true feelings, who you are?
Me- Does anyone achieve this?
Stranger- People can achieve this, but it doesn't last more like 5 minutes, we are still so worried about those around us.
Me- What about you? 
Stranger- I'm trying to achieve that
but its hard, like I said were constantly looking for approval
Me- Any other thought?
Stranger- Imma think about it , ill def. let you know though.
Me- Ok ill be waiting thanks

Coolest Family Memeber-

Me- R you cool?
F.M-  Im pretty fun, People seem to think i'm cool
Me- So do you think in order to fell cool people have to accept you?
F.M- Yes they do, b/c people all have ideas of cool, so the people you want to be friends with or impress have to think your cool? You sorta have to mold yourself.
Me- Do you do that?
F.M- i try not to. But sometimes i do.
Me- is there anything anyone can do about it?
F/M- Not sure, most likely not/ 

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Informal Research

   What is cool is stated as "hard to define."  They go on to say that the true cool is deeper than what's inside. ( Something that i don't think people now realize) At the same time though they state that insecurity can lead to feeling like you not cool, or not being cool at all, sort of contradicting i believe. The website fives tips on how to be cool, they are as follow:
  1. Know your limitations. 
  2. Pose for long enough and eventually you become the real thing.  
  3. Create a soundtrack for your life and listen to it constantly
  4. Always stay one step ahead of the pack
  5. Be gracious to those less cool than you.
  These tips are mostly focusing  on how to make people believe your cool, not really, as they stated at the beginning, being yourself and focusing on what's on the inside.  Honestly i wouldn't even bother taking these advices. There cant be a "5 step rule" to becoming cool that will work and fit for everyone in the world. I've been trying to find a deeper meaning of cool and here i come across a website that kind of states the obvious.

   This one was different, claiming that every single one of us believes we are in fact cool. We think we are better than others and that's why our cool level is so high up. He goes on to give us a "formula for coolness":

5% aspiration + 95% self-perception + 10% public awareness + 46%
individuality + 15% actions + 22% verbal + 99% what others think about

  The biggest part of cool is what people think of us , so he claims, which i believe is true, but shouldn't make you cool. Reading further he explains that there is no precise cool, it all has to with the way you see the world , so its about you finding yourself cool and believing you are (contradictory to the 99% of what people think of you making you cooler). Based on what i read cool is seeing things your way BUT being accepted as well, which doesn't make much sense, unless we are able to find a good balance of these two.

   Cool is attitude,behavior, comportment,appearance and style. Pretty much a balance of the inside and out. This is the overall idea of what cool is, though an exact definition of cool is neither known or found. so what i got from this website (it was pretty boring towards the end) was the break down of what can make cool. Such as body movements , posture etc. The way your physical and outer appearance contributes to being cool. The idea that coolness can be enhanced by or made by what people see outside. I guess confidence, thinking "I look cool, so I'm cool" and acting upon that statement. Pretty much the same I've been hearing and finding so far.
    I'm curious to see if coolness can exist without the physical being there. Like if someone is considered unattractive but is very confident would that be cool based on this? Its easy to say cool is feeling cool, but once its put into place does any of this honestly work for us? Can we make people think we are cool, if its based on the looks and appearance.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Photos and Interviews

Person 4:
Name: Cindy (Cousin) 

(Interview taken over text)

Q- I love your outfit, where did you get it?
A- Thanks, all at H&M.
Q- Nice, so do you see your style as "cool" ?
A-Of course bitch 
Q- -_- , well den lol...what makes your style "cool"?
A-Well my style is cool because I'm cool.. Lmao.. I'm confident in everything I wear ...
Q- So cool is confidence?
A- Cool to me is making sure u are up to date with the latest fashion With your own special touch to it ....holllaaaaa 
Q- So the latest fashion? Does that mean everything has to be designer? Expensive even?
A- Not necessarily but it would be better ;-)
Q- Ok so how much did you pay for an outfit like the one your wearing?
A- around 130 including accessories
Q- Ok last you think your "cool" way of dressing is for you to feel good or do u dress that way to show ppl that your capable of dressing good? So in a way to be noticed?
A- No I dress the way I dress because that's what I want to wear...I have other features that get noticed on their own lmao, kidding :).. Nah but I don't do it to get noticed I honestly wear what I wear cuz I feel comfortable in it
Me- Lmaooo ok thanks for being  honest :)
Cindy- Anytime =) hope everyone enjoys my answers.

Photos and Interviews

Person 3-Name: Yadi ( Friend )

Q- Do you think your style is "cool"?
A- Cool? I'm not sure, comfortable yes. I mean I can dress down when I need to and dress up when I want to, I'm versatile and no matter what I feel confident.
Q- So what do you think "cool" is?
A- Cool is being confident of course, being able to wear anything and make it work.
Q- So when you get dressed, what do you have in mind? Do you want to impress people?
A- It depends where I'm going. I love dressing nice, but on days like today when I'm going nowhere special I just pull on w.e and make it work. I don't want to impress anyone, but I guess I do want the approval of people around me, I don't want them to think bad of me in a way?
Q- Ok so peoples opinion matter when It comes to cool?
A- It sorta does , though I can say I don't care about it
Me- Ok thanks Yadi :)
Yadi- No problem love, anytime.

Photos and Interviews

Person 2: Name: Johnny && Mark 

Q- Ok real quick, do you guys think your style is "cool"?
A (From Both)- I like it, so yea it is, we look good. ( They laugh) 
Q- So being cool is looking good?
A (Johnny)- Its a big part, but its also how you are on the inside, they way you act .
(Mark) - I Agree its a huge part tho, but not the MOST important.
Q- Would you say you guys "dress to impress"?
A (From both)- Everyone does, though they might deny it, subconsciously we all do.
Me- Ok thanks , that's all
Them- Np

Photos and Interviews

Person 1:
Name: Vielka (Cousin)
  She's the one in da middle

Q- So do you see your style as "cool" ?
A- Yea
Q- Ok and what makes your style "cool"?
A-That I don't try to be like everyone else I try to be my self :)
Q- So based on that what exactly do you think "being cool" is?
A-I think been cool is something that changes almost everyday with new experiences and it is just being yourself not like others.
Q- Nice, so you think you achieve that or do you sometimes fall for the ideas that ppl want ?
A- Not really because even though I might like what other ppl do or wear I'm not gonna go and do or dress exactly like they do ill have my own way.
Q- Ok & who would you say is the coolest person you know?
A- Umm I don't know anyone that's cool or think there is someone who is the universal cool...I just think everyone has their way of doing things that should make them cool ( does dat make sense?)
Me- Ok , I see what your trying to say, thanks that's all.
Vielka- Welcome :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

HW 25

Part 1-


  Your idea of cool is shown very clearly in your story. Its short but your idea was put out there. You think cool is mostly the way you present yourself, as I thought most people would think. It was interesting to read how you portrayed "looking good" and "feeling good." I did notice that the girl was dressed the way you tend to dress, so your comfortable with the way you are and they way people see your right? That's good to know lol.


  Your story seemed to follow what we talked about in the last unit. Has your idea of cool changed?or has it as been that?  I thought it was interesting to see how maybe a life without technology might be cool or lead to being cool. How people would react to someone who didn't pay attention to technology. I liked how you didn't use cool as being the bad boy or a similar stereotype. You did use the "unique" aspect of being cool, but I think it worked out.


  Wow your story was different but I liked it. I don't know exactly what you were trying to portray as cool, but I'm guessing it has to with being understood, for a guy to have feelings and show them, not hide them ( I for one don't see many guys who react that way,usually the roles are switched) Maybe you were just trying to say cool is being open and having the same feeling thoughts etc. I haven't heard that idea ok cool yet, so that was "cool" lol. 

  Hahaha your story seems so familiar in some aspects. I liked that you seemed to relate it back to what your life is like. Your idea of cool is being yourself.


    I liked your story a lot. It showed someone just being sarcastic and themselves. It reminded me of a lot of people whom I've thought to be funny because of the things they say AND the way they say it. It was realistic.

Part 2-

  One thing I realized from everyone's story was that somehow it seemed to relate back to them. Juliette's story described a girl with skinny jeans and heels, just like her, and it showed that she thought she was cool. The same can be said for Moe, his story talked about someone who does the same things he does, once again showing that he believes himself to be if not "cool" accepted, which seems to be cool either way. Most of the stories ( juliette, moe, and jacara) showed qualities of people that I have come across, people that actually are out there. While the other two( elvis and katherine) seemed to show a "cool" that in a way may not be as popular and as known. These stories were of what we would want to be cool, maybe what we are looking forward to becoming or having. 
  All the stories though, seem to go back to the "cartoons" in our heads. We can say we have the "girl who dresses nice," "the one who's always late," " the funny one," "the different one," and the " softer one?" (Idk how to put that one exactly lol ) its like there a certain number of "cools" we can write about  and then that's it. Can we make a truly original "cool" story though? Is that possible with our mind set always bringing us back into this "cartoon world"?