Friday, December 4, 2009

Photos and Interviews

Person 3-Name: Yadi ( Friend )

Q- Do you think your style is "cool"?
A- Cool? I'm not sure, comfortable yes. I mean I can dress down when I need to and dress up when I want to, I'm versatile and no matter what I feel confident.
Q- So what do you think "cool" is?
A- Cool is being confident of course, being able to wear anything and make it work.
Q- So when you get dressed, what do you have in mind? Do you want to impress people?
A- It depends where I'm going. I love dressing nice, but on days like today when I'm going nowhere special I just pull on w.e and make it work. I don't want to impress anyone, but I guess I do want the approval of people around me, I don't want them to think bad of me in a way?
Q- Ok so peoples opinion matter when It comes to cool?
A- It sorta does , though I can say I don't care about it
Me- Ok thanks Yadi :)
Yadi- No problem love, anytime.

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