Saturday, December 12, 2009

Informal Research

   What is cool is stated as "hard to define."  They go on to say that the true cool is deeper than what's inside. ( Something that i don't think people now realize) At the same time though they state that insecurity can lead to feeling like you not cool, or not being cool at all, sort of contradicting i believe. The website fives tips on how to be cool, they are as follow:
  1. Know your limitations. 
  2. Pose for long enough and eventually you become the real thing.  
  3. Create a soundtrack for your life and listen to it constantly
  4. Always stay one step ahead of the pack
  5. Be gracious to those less cool than you.
  These tips are mostly focusing  on how to make people believe your cool, not really, as they stated at the beginning, being yourself and focusing on what's on the inside.  Honestly i wouldn't even bother taking these advices. There cant be a "5 step rule" to becoming cool that will work and fit for everyone in the world. I've been trying to find a deeper meaning of cool and here i come across a website that kind of states the obvious.

   This one was different, claiming that every single one of us believes we are in fact cool. We think we are better than others and that's why our cool level is so high up. He goes on to give us a "formula for coolness":

5% aspiration + 95% self-perception + 10% public awareness + 46%
individuality + 15% actions + 22% verbal + 99% what others think about

  The biggest part of cool is what people think of us , so he claims, which i believe is true, but shouldn't make you cool. Reading further he explains that there is no precise cool, it all has to with the way you see the world , so its about you finding yourself cool and believing you are (contradictory to the 99% of what people think of you making you cooler). Based on what i read cool is seeing things your way BUT being accepted as well, which doesn't make much sense, unless we are able to find a good balance of these two.

   Cool is attitude,behavior, comportment,appearance and style. Pretty much a balance of the inside and out. This is the overall idea of what cool is, though an exact definition of cool is neither known or found. so what i got from this website (it was pretty boring towards the end) was the break down of what can make cool. Such as body movements , posture etc. The way your physical and outer appearance contributes to being cool. The idea that coolness can be enhanced by or made by what people see outside. I guess confidence, thinking "I look cool, so I'm cool" and acting upon that statement. Pretty much the same I've been hearing and finding so far.
    I'm curious to see if coolness can exist without the physical being there. Like if someone is considered unattractive but is very confident would that be cool based on this? Its easy to say cool is feeling cool, but once its put into place does any of this honestly work for us? Can we make people think we are cool, if its based on the looks and appearance.

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