Friday, December 18, 2009

H.w #29- Merchants of Cool

* I had trouble actually watching the video, so im sryy its very late* 

     So while watching the "Merchants of Cool" video, I thought "we all kind off know this was/is happening." Not only are they making us want to buy the newest, latest fashion, but they sell an image of the way we should be. What I found interesting though was the idea of all these groups of teens being interviewed in order for companies to find out what was "cool" so far, when that information is found they do all they can to bring out this idea of "cool" and make people believe it, twhat there doing is "killing cool" thisreally struck me. There killing cool and making it so that a new idea of cool has to come out, changing it constantly so that nothing is truly cool, or can be cool for much. 

    Its hard to point fingers and say "your wrong! what your doing is sooo wrong!!" when it comes to situations such as though talked about like Britney Spears. Yes its an image that i dont agree with at all, no teen girls should be taught to be "sexy" and dress a way that will make them liked by guys. Why must girls feel like the HAVE to be that girl guys want to sleep with, that girl who looks good and everyone knows it? it doesnt make sence at all. But whos to blame? sure we can say "its all the corporate culture, everyone behind ppl such as Britney Spears" but is it? I mean teen girls are just as wrong for actually following this trend, sure there "lost" they dont even know who they are yet, but shouldnt they be smarter and say "woah, i honestly dont want that to be the image i want to portray." I dont believe what was done to Britney can be said "oo thats wrong" im pretty sure she was fine with doing what she did in order for her to seem more appealing , to get more attention but there should be a line that shouldn't be crossed (though i doubt this line will EVER be put ) it should be a line where celebrities are who ever they want to portray and customers should be who they want to. (seems kind off impossible tho)
    Should advertising to teens stop? i honestly dont know, we have been soooo used to having all these different types of advertisements that without them, as sad as it is, we will all def be lost, we would be like wandering souls with no idea where to go and whatto do, even what to be like, what to talk about. Advertising will NEVER stop. Its money, something everyone wants, the reason all of this is happening, it just cannot be stopped. 

    What they do is target our "lost-ness" our thoughts off " idk what to do" and tell us this is what you HAVE to be/do, is that evil? in certain parts i believe so, but i honestly dont know where i am at this. I cant say its soo wrong, because then I go watch MTv and follow on the newest show, and I try to look nice everyday (though not to the extreme of some) i would just be lying saying i dont fall for some of these things aswell. Wheter this will ever change ? We all know it wont and we will all have to keep following it. 

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