Tuesday, December 1, 2009

HW 25

Part 1-


  Your idea of cool is shown very clearly in your story. Its short but your idea was put out there. You think cool is mostly the way you present yourself, as I thought most people would think. It was interesting to read how you portrayed "looking good" and "feeling good." I did notice that the girl was dressed the way you tend to dress, so your comfortable with the way you are and they way people see your right? That's good to know lol.


  Your story seemed to follow what we talked about in the last unit. Has your idea of cool changed?or has it as been that?  I thought it was interesting to see how maybe a life without technology might be cool or lead to being cool. How people would react to someone who didn't pay attention to technology. I liked how you didn't use cool as being the bad boy or a similar stereotype. You did use the "unique" aspect of being cool, but I think it worked out.


  Wow your story was different but I liked it. I don't know exactly what you were trying to portray as cool, but I'm guessing it has to with being understood, for a guy to have feelings and show them, not hide them ( I for one don't see many guys who react that way,usually the roles are switched) Maybe you were just trying to say cool is being open and having the same feeling thoughts etc. I haven't heard that idea ok cool yet, so that was "cool" lol. 

  Hahaha your story seems so familiar in some aspects. I liked that you seemed to relate it back to what your life is like. Your idea of cool is being yourself.


    I liked your story a lot. It showed someone just being sarcastic and themselves. It reminded me of a lot of people whom I've thought to be funny because of the things they say AND the way they say it. It was realistic.

Part 2-

  One thing I realized from everyone's story was that somehow it seemed to relate back to them. Juliette's story described a girl with skinny jeans and heels, just like her, and it showed that she thought she was cool. The same can be said for Moe, his story talked about someone who does the same things he does, once again showing that he believes himself to be if not "cool" accepted, which seems to be cool either way. Most of the stories ( juliette, moe, and jacara) showed qualities of people that I have come across, people that actually are out there. While the other two( elvis and katherine) seemed to show a "cool" that in a way may not be as popular and as known. These stories were of what we would want to be cool, maybe what we are looking forward to becoming or having. 
  All the stories though, seem to go back to the "cartoons" in our heads. We can say we have the "girl who dresses nice," "the one who's always late," " the funny one," "the different one," and the " softer one?" (Idk how to put that one exactly lol ) its like there a certain number of "cools" we can write about  and then that's it. Can we make a truly original "cool" story though? Is that possible with our mind set always bringing us back into this "cartoon world"?

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