Sunday, December 13, 2009

Street Interviews

3 Interviews of strangers-

Stranger 1-
* This lady was standing waiting in line for food just like I was, she looked nice so I just went straight for it....*

Me- Excuse me, I was wondering would you say your cool?
Stranger- Oh, I'm not sure actually.
Me- So then what would you say is cool?
Stranger- I guess cool is being yourself, not trying to blend yourself into what people want from you.
Me- Do you achieve that?
Stranger- Not always, with the people I COMPLETELY trust I do, with others not always.
Me- So with strangers do you feel like you have to put up a wall almost ?
Stranger- Exactly
Me- Do you mind me asking? But why do you think that is?
Stranger- So they can like me, because in the end we all want approval.
Me- Ok thank you for your time.
Stranger- Np 

Stranger 2- 
*waiting for the train*

Me- Excuse me, who's the coolest person you know?
Stranger- Definitely my best friend,
Me- And what exactly makes then the coolest person you know?
Stranger-  That she's soo fun, easy-going, her style is not original but its her, she makes it work,
Me- Would you say that your cool?
Stranger- I have. Of those qualities, but not all, I can be cool at times, everyone has there ups and downs of cool.
Me- Ok that's all, thank you
Stranger- Welcome

Interview of Friend-

Me- So, what's behind being cool?
Stranger- Being cool is not meant to be about the physical, it should be whats inside, your true feelings, who you are?
Me- Does anyone achieve this?
Stranger- People can achieve this, but it doesn't last more like 5 minutes, we are still so worried about those around us.
Me- What about you? 
Stranger- I'm trying to achieve that
but its hard, like I said were constantly looking for approval
Me- Any other thought?
Stranger- Imma think about it , ill def. let you know though.
Me- Ok ill be waiting thanks

Coolest Family Memeber-

Me- R you cool?
F.M-  Im pretty fun, People seem to think i'm cool
Me- So do you think in order to fell cool people have to accept you?
F.M- Yes they do, b/c people all have ideas of cool, so the people you want to be friends with or impress have to think your cool? You sorta have to mold yourself.
Me- Do you do that?
F.M- i try not to. But sometimes i do.
Me- is there anything anyone can do about it?
F/M- Not sure, most likely not/ 

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